Alessandro Mele
JournalWhat makes a company great are the people who are part of it. People who are driven by a single goal and share the same values, who put passion into their daily work and pass it on to the rest of the team. The positivity that is created is sincere, and that is what we want to make visible even outside our walls.
And among the people who contribute to making Tonello a human company is Alessandro Mele, Tonello’s Service Department Technician.
How long have you worked at Tonello and what role do you play there?
My path in Tonello began four years ago, initially as an electrician in the production department. Later, after a period as a tester, I was offered the opportunity to travel for at least two weeks a month. Today I am part of the service team as a travelling technician.
Describe your job… My primary duties are the installation of machines and remote customer support. When I am abroad, however – depending on the customer’s requests – I deal with installation of Tonello technologies and on-site assistance through organizing targeted training.

In just a few words, tell us about your story in Tonello.
I arrived at Tonello with the idea of travelling, and not doing a static or white-collar job. The company welcomed my request, trusting and testing me. I see that even our customers are satisfied with the work I do, so much so that they send me emails and call me to thank me. In short, I would summarize my story in Tonello as a continuous climb and gratification.

What does your work mean to you?
It certainly means a lot more than the word itself. My job has allowed me to establish friendly relationships, not only with colleagues, but also with customers, which is what I like most.

What has changed over the years within the business environment?
A lot has changed, even in terms of company personnel. The number of people has practically doubled, and new roles in the departments have been created.
I remember when I arrived in Tonello for the first time, all of the production lines were dedicated, more or less, to washing machines, that is, basic machinery. Today, on the same lines we find innovative machines with technologies that allow savings and performance optimizing during the garment washing and finishing processes.

How is your relationship with your colleagues?
What can I say? We all get along very well. There is so much harmony between us that we often find ourselves getting together outside of work with our respective girl or boyfriends, wives or husbands, and even with the kids!

What was the most exciting moment in your history at Tonello? What was the most difficult one?
The most exciting moment dates back to a few months ago, when I managed to laser a tiny image that no one else had been able to reproduce. I’ve received many compliments, even from people I would have never expected!
The difficult moments, on the other hand, date back to my first trips alone, but in the end, changes have never been easy for anyone.

What should Tonello do to promote growth?
Always put their employees at the center of what they do, dedicating time to them and taking their ideas into consideration.
This is something they already do, and it works: I think it’s important to listen especially to those who are travelling frequently and interacting more with our customers.

What do you think are the Tonello’s greatest strengths?
The strength of the Tonello brand and its solidity are our trump cards, so much so that we are identified as the Ferrari of washing machines.

Recently, Tonello has tried to define its reference values: what do you think of them? What do the words sustainability and reliability mean to you?
I would say they sum up well what the reality of our company is, especially from the perspective of responsibility. All the technologies we produce put operator safety, end-consumer health and environmental friendliness first.
Reliability is a term that can be applied to a person as well as to a product. The latter is reliable when it proves to be high-quality, long-lasting, and consistent with initial premises. Sustainability, on the other hand, is like support for the environment and respect for the Earth we live on.

Of these different values, which one do you relate to the most?
I most relate to the value of responsibility. When I go to a customer to install one of our machines, I automatically no longer act as Alessandro, but as Tonello. This responsibility is triggered, above all, in moments like these, when I physically represent the company in its entirety.