5 Simple and effective ways to customize your jeans
When we write “customize your jeans”, we don’t mean “tearing apart your jeans”, but rather making them more your own, giving them a distinctive used look more suited to your style, your tastes, your way of life. Just think, once upon a time jeans were just “raw”, midnight blue in color, unchanging for years. Now, fortunately, it’s not that way any longer: there is a denim for every demand and every taste. Imagine, however, that you have a pair of jeans that you really love, but which you now see as aged or, on the contrary, look too new and too “cutesy.” Inevitably, you’ll want to reinvent them, to revitalize them with some special effect. Well: today we’re going to introduce you to five simple and effective ways to customize your jeans and create a lived-in, unique and distinctive look.
1. Frequent washing
The first method for customize your jeans is the simplest: frequent washing. Frequent washing of jeans can actually result in an aged look. In fact, frequent washing creates stress on the denim fibers and wears them out. This method, however, requires time, patience, and a lot of perseverance. You won’t get an aged look after the first or second washing, but one thing is for sure: in the end, your jeans will have that nice worn look you’re looking for.
2. Use sand
The second method for customize your jeans requires a little more effort, but it can give your jeans a unique look very quickly. Take some sand, preferably coarse, and rub the fabric with it: the sand will scratch it and create a distinctly “used look.” You can focus on certain areas, such as the knees or hips, to customize the effect. You can do this at the beach or even in your backyard. The important thing is that the sand is coarse enough to create friction on the denim. The effort and commitment required will be rewarded with sure-fire results.
3. Cuts and tears
The third method for customize your jeans is for those who enjoy the art of do-it-yourself: cuts and tears to be made with a pair of scissors or a razor. Well, yes, in this case we come very close to the concept of “destroying” denim. So be careful not to overdo it: the line between an artfully torn and very cool garment and a ragged and ready to throw-away piece of fabric is really blurred. Therefore, limit yourself to making small cuts and tears in strategic places, such as the knees, hips or back pockets. You can also use a metal brush to create small rips and abrasions.
4. Decoloration
The fourth method for customize your jeans is for those who are not afraid to experiment. Chlorine bleach or some other bleaching agent can alter the color of your jeans and give them a worn appearance. Perform this treatment in a well-ventilated space, protect yourself with an apron and gloves, and don’t overdo it on the bleach. Start with a small amount and add a little more at a time if needed. Be gradual, because bleaching is a no-return choice. Stop as soon as you’ve achieved a result close to what you’ve imagined – it takes very little, in fact, to go over the line and irreparably ruin your favorite pair of jeans.
5. Natural wear and tear
Finally, the last method for customize your jeans is the most natural, but also the one that requires the most patience: progressive wear. Wearing your jeans frequently and exercising in them gradually “wears out” denim. So live in your jeans as if they were a second skin, wear them whenever you can, moving around, bending over, running, jumping, lying on the grass, walking in the mountains, and sitting on rocks: in short, unleash all the energy you have, and you’ll see that slowly that pair of jeans that seemed so neat and tidy, so far from your rebellious and dynamic spirit, will begin to look more and more like you, and become “cooler and cooler.”
Let the customization begin!!! 🙂
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