After ECOfree, NoStone® and Core, denim washing has reached a crucial turning point with UP. This patented technology reduces the liquor ratio to unparalleled levels, saving water and energy and making water filling and draining faster. UP is a revolutionary innovation applicable to all existing Tonello machines, including the least recent. Because Tonello machines do not age, they evolve.

A new vision of the washing process
UP, the latest Tonello innovation, radically changes garment washing: it dramatically reduces the amount of water required and brings the liquor ratio down to unparalleled levels. A continuous, regular flow of water is constantly injected into the machine, then recovered and recirculated.
Water saving now goes hand in hand with significantly reduced energy consumption and faster water filling and draining. All this obviously translates into lower costs. The combination with other Tonello technologies, like ECOfree for ozone washing and NoStone® for stoneless stone-wash effects, further reduces costs and carbon footprint.
UP technology:
- Dramatically cuts water and energy consumption
- Reduces processing time
- Can be installed in all existing Tonello machines, regardless of their age, and is applicable to the dyeing process, giving the same benefits
- Can be integrated with other Tonello technologies (ECOfree, NoStone®, etc.).
Daniele Martinelli - R&D Washing and Treatment
LIM is the first laundry to have installed the UP system and to use it in production.
” This has been a winning choice even in the face of our long collaboration with Tonello. One of the main reasons that convinced us to install UP was the savings both in water and in energy. In addition, we are able to shorten filling and draining times. The essential point of the system is definitely the very low liquor ratio in washing and rinsing. Another determining factor is that it is possible to install the system on an existing Tonello machine, thus modernizing it. In addition, we can integrate the system with other Tonello technologies, as always, in the same machine. Here at LIM, we have long taken the road towards eco-sustainability, above all in terms of saving water and energy. This is also the request from the numerous brands we work with. So in this regard, the UP has proven to be an excellent solution.”