
How to choose Jeans

Choosing the ideal denim seems easy, but there are more than one variable to be considered, and so it often happens that you make a mistake and only realise at home that the garment that seemed so perfect in the shop doesn’t actually fit you like a glove; so there’s nothing you can do about it, you don’t like it any more and it risks ending up forgotten at the bottom of the wardrobe. If you no longer want to make such mistakes, follow the advice in this guide to find out how to choose jeans.

What kind of figure do you have?

Objectively understanding one’s body shape is the first step, because every person is unique, and sometimes it only takes slight differences to radically change the effect of the jeans worn.

But what are the main figure types? And what garments best fit them and enhance them?


Here is a summary outline:

  • Hourglass figure? High-waisted jeans that enhance the silhouette are ideal
  • Athletic build? Slim or cigarette jeans may be the best ones to enhance muscular legs. If you are young, and if your legs are long and lean, you can opt for the skinny cut
  • Softer shape? A bootcut (slightly narrower at the knee, and a little wider at the ankle) or a very classic straight cut (straight leg, hip to ankle), can balance the figure and offer a balance between style and comfort
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The fabric makes the difference

Denims are not always the same: there are some that are stiffer and structured, ideal for a more formal look, while others are softer and more flexible, perfect for those who are mainly looking for comfort and an “easy” style. Se sei una persona dinamica, che ha bisogno di sentirsi “a posto” in ogni situazione, considera un capo stretch, con una percentuale più o meno elevata di elastan.

The weight of the fabric should also to be considered. A heavier denim is more durable, while a lighter fabric is more comfortable for warmer days.

Styles and trends:

Remember to not only take the fit into consideration (otherwise you risk always choosing the jeans your mother would recommend…): . You must also pay close attention to style. Trendy or timelessly classic?

Here are some possible options:

  • flared or bell-bottoms, for a quotable, retro-chic look
  • ripped and/or frayed denim, for a more youthful feel
  • colored jeans, to liven up a monochromatic outfit


Obviously, these are only macro-categories, within which you can find many variations: laser markings, graphics, more or less pronounced breaks, marked or barely noticeable used look effects, etc..


A tip from the designers

Many designers recommend having at least one pair of “go-to” jeans in one’s wardrobe. A good pair of dark blue jeans, without washes or rips, is versatile and can be paired with almost anything.

Always try them before you buy them

It sounds like useless advice (who doesn’t try on jeans before buying them?), but in reality you have to remember not to get caught up in the completely irrational urge to buy the garment you saw and loved in the window, so you can get home and wear it as soon as possible.

Testing is crucial and must be rigorous, careful, and rational. Not only does each brand have its own particular fit, but each individual garment may also have almost imperceptible differences that can alter the final effect: in short, what looks perfect on paper may not be perfect when worn.

So take all the time you need and try to go beyond first impressions.

Online or in store?

Buying a garment online is an increasingly common experience, and most e-commerce stores offer detailed guides to selecting the perfect denim fit. The convenience of not having to leave home and the ability to choose from a vast number of garments are two obvious the strengths of this mode of shopping.

Remember, however, to always check the seller’s return policy. In fact, usually every online shopping platform offers the option of returning the item within a rather convenient period of time (14 days and up, usually). It’s always better to check however, in order to avoid unpleasant surprises!

In the store, you can try on different styles right away and immediately see which ones look best “on” you. Also, consider the added value of the advice offered by the person who assists you and who is usually very knowledgeable. Then, if you are also talking about your friendly neighborhood jeans store, in addition to professionalism you add firsthand knowledge: this is one advantage that is absolutely priceless.


Conclusion: to discover how to choose Jeans you have to research, explore, try on and, only at the end, choose your denim fit!

Choosing the perfect denim fit for you may seem complicated, but with these tips you’ll be able to find the pair of jeans that best enhances your body and style. In fact, only you can choose the garment that truly represents you, because, always remember that the best possible fashion is your own!

Happy purchase! 🙂 🙂
© Photography by Fredrik Ottosson Animated Line

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